As stated in the "Marking Guideline" on the "Lab/Exams" page, you should
never use any libraries in your assignments that are not part of the C
standard. The easiet way to ensure this is to stick to libraries that are
mentioned in class. For lab 1, you will probably need to use stdio.h,
stdlib.h, and string.h. time.h is also used already in guess_main.c. I
can't imagine why you would need to use any other C libraries. (As
mentioned previously, you're not allowed to use math.h, because you can't
modify the Makefile. But it's not difficult to work around that.)
You can, and in fact are encouraged to write helper functions for any lab
if it makes your code clearer. The functions in guess.c and numint.c are
small enough that you shouldn't need to, but it would be a good idea to
use helper functions in hangman.c. Every helper function you write should
have a function declaration at the top of the file. You must also put a
comment block at the top of the function describing what it does, and what
its parameters are.
Post by Fo Sing RennoIn general for the programs we create, are there any restrictions for the
libraries we include, or the functions we define (so as to make the
program modular, e.g. hangman)?