make: warning: Clock skew detected.
(too old to reply)
2004-03-05 07:34:15 UTC

I got this warning:

make: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.

Anyone have any idea what this is and how to fix this ??

thanks a lot =)))
Alexander Smith
2004-03-05 05:32:22 UTC

This means that the timestamps on one or more of your files appear to be
invalid or in the future. There are a couple of possibilities. If you've
FTP'd files from another computer, try transferring them again. If you've
FTP'd them form your home computer, check that your date and time are set
properly. If you're still getting files, try running:
touch *
That will "touch" all the files in your directory. The UNIX "touch"
command does nothing other than set the timestamp to be equal to the
current time. After touching the files, you should probable delete your .o
files so you can recompile from scratch. ("rm *.o")

Post by Haku
make: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
Anyone have any idea what this is and how to fix this ??
thanks a lot =)))