Remus Banulescu
2003-12-03 06:07:35 UTC
Besides the parentheses, everything works in the program you attached. It's
probably the automated marking system, which is not perfect at all; it
failed for me in the first lab and for another 30 people. Afterwards they
remarked it, but the first day I was also really upset and didn't know what
went wrong. Maybee this will make you feel a little better...
probably the automated marking system, which is not perfect at all; it
failed for me in the first lab and for another 30 people. Afterwards they
remarked it, but the first day I was also really upset and didn't know what
went wrong. Maybee this will make you feel a little better...
I already sent in a request for a remark but I'm still sweating so maybe
you guys can help me out. It said all tests failed but I know for a fact
that my program works with everything except parentheses. So I attached
the .exe of my program (I hope it's okay since you can't see the source)
so maybe you guys can try it out and see if I did
something horribly wrong or somehow my formatting got screwed up and threw
off the automarker.
you guys can help me out. It said all tests failed but I know for a fact
that my program works with everything except parentheses. So I attached
the .exe of my program (I hope it's okay since you can't see the source)
so maybe you guys can try it out and see if I did
something horribly wrong or somehow my formatting got screwed up and threw
off the automarker.